In breve
La Playstation Portal represents with flying colors the poverty of ideas and the lack of commitment on the part of Sony in the development of the products of this latest generation.
The disappointment started with a horrible, needlessly giant elementary school PS5 design.
Obviously the Playstation Portal, daughter of the same designers and of the rush to enter the “handled” market inaugurated by Steam Deck, brings with her So many beautiful ideas and a terrible achievement.
La Playstation Portal with a bit of compromises and the right needs it can be considered an excellent device.
Let's go in order, let's talk about design on the fly - so I stop insulting her - and then let's get straight to the point and to why, in my opinion, it's worth buying it.
And if you are engaged/married and your children or your wife monopolize the TV without letting you play, read to the end because I have a couple of goodies for you ❤️.
Design brut (t) list
There's not much to say when it comes to design.
La Playstation Portal It is nothing more than a Dualsense cut in half with a screen in the middle.

At first glance it is really very nice but then, analyzing it in detail, we can notice a significant flaw: the analogs are flush with the screen, ugly, and when used, the thumbs often cover the screen...
And you will say, is everything 'ugly here' and 'ugly there' for a single defect?
Let's talk about user experience and useless limitations so I can finally vent both positively and negatively, there's a lot to say.
User experience
The Playstation Portal was born from Sony's idea of literally carrying its PS5 with it without compromise and without ever interrupting the gaming flow.
Can I use the Playstation Portal away from home?
The Portal can be used outside the home and even with a telephone hotspot, you are not obliged to play under the same Wi-Fi as PS5.
Let's go ahead beddi.
Connecting to the PS5
The beauty of Portal is the speed with which you can access the Playstation remotely.

With the various Playstation Remote apps, both on iPhone and Mac, there are always those minutes of waiting to connect to the PS5.
With the Portal, the connection experience is optimized, fast and fully integrated into the system.
In short, connecting to your PS5 is a breeze, as long as you have an excellent Wi-Fi connection and that you follow a couple of steps that I wrote in this article.
Games and gaming
If your home connection sucks, close the article and forget about this device because you can only play The Sims.
La Playstation Portal It is nothing more than a remote player and, as described by the name, it connects remotely to the PS5 via an internet connection.
Ergo, The quality of the streaming and gaming experience depends on the power of your Wi-Fi.
If you have an excellent upload, a wired PS5 and not too much distance from the router, you might even dare to play a few shooters or in any case something not too demanding like Helldivers 2.
Dream about Fortnite, Call of Duty, and any game that needs precision and low latency.
RPG and adventure games are great, as long as you don't read everything.
Speaking a bit about hardware, Portal presents respectable gaming hardware:
- great 1080p screen at 60hz
- Full-bodied and quality audio
- audio jack and ability to connect headphones that support Playstation Link (we'll talk about this later about I'm disgusting)
- controller grip that beats the competition, “almost” 1:1 with the Dualsense with adaptive triggers
Unfortunately it is this' almost 'on the grip that, for me, causes everything to collapse.
Let's talk about it.
Grip and usability
The Portal's strong point is the grip that reproduces the same experience as the Dualsense.
The bad thing about switching, for example, from PS5 to Nintendo Switch is the muscle memory of the hand and the need to get used to using a controller with a different grip.
On paper, this is one of the best selling points of Portal.
For design reasons and to better wrap around the screen,The Portal's grip turns out to be much larger and heavier than the Dualsense.

Result? You need to get used to it again.
But the biggest problem comes now.
The analogs are taller and smaller than those of the Dualsense and you have to get used to aiming again.
Honestly, it's obnoxious and it's a big friction element that drastically reduces Portal's usability.
In addition, to carry normal-sized hands, I find the size of the grip very uncomfortable.
Then oh, if you are not “sensitive” like me to the change of grip or you can easily get used to different controllers, the Portal is great.
A few words should be spent on the weight of the product.
The Portal is not light.
With a weight of 540 g it will quickly make you tired and prolonged use in the wrong position can cause some discomfort to your hands and wrists.
You will end up either turning it off or playing in bed lying on your stomach.
Staggering Limits
It is within the limits that the Playstation Portal excels the most.
Hardware Limits
Our dear Sony, to sell a few more headphones, decided well IN 2024 not to equip the Portal with Bluetooth but with a proprietary technology called Playstation Link.
The only two headphones that can be used are the new Pulse Elite e Pulse Explore, recensite qui e che ho dovuto acquistare appositamente per giocare con la Portal perchè le Pulse 3D non sono compatibili nonostante abbiano comunque quell’odioso dongle usb da connettere alla PS5.

Limiti Software
Più che di limiti della Portal parliamo di limiti del Remote Play.
Durante la connessione da remoto non è possibile modificare le impostazioni video della PS5, per ridurre risoluzione ecc. e la Portal collegandosi non va a modificare in automatico le impostazioni per ottimizzare le prestazioni.
Insomma, se dovete usare la Portal siete obbligati a ricordarvi di ridurre la risoluzione e di applicare tutta una serie di accorgimenti per ottimizzare la connessione, come ho scritto in questo articolo.
Esigenze e casi d’uso
Ma alla fine, per chi è pensata la Playstation Portal?
La nostra amata Sony, a tutte le critiche ricevute per aver messo sul mercato un banale Remote Player e non una vera e propria console handled, ha risposto con un bel “è stata progettata per un esigenza specifica”.
Vediamo quale.
Io immagino il CEO di Playstation che, stufo dell’ennesimo litigio con la moglie per la TV, si presenta al board aziendale sbraitando “me so rotto er cazzo de litigà ogni sera co mi moje pe a tv, famo quarcosa pe collegamme alla PS5 senza sbatti ve prego”.
Ed ecco la Portal.
Scherzi a parte (secondo me è andata davvero così), la Playstation Portal è pensata per un paio di casi d’uso specifici:
- viaggiate spesso per svago/lavoro o siete spesso fuori casa? Mettete in valigia la Portal e finite il capitolo di Final Fantasy VII Rebirth in Hotel
- vostra moglie/fidanzata il sabato vede Amici sulla TV della PS5? Nessun problema, avviate la Portal e giocate mentre gli altri monopolizzano la vostra amata e sudata TV 4K HDR Oled senza apprezzarla
- vi annoiate durante la pausa pranzo a lavoro? Un’ora è perfetta per finire qualche missione
- lavorate tutto il giorno e la sera l’unica cosa che volete fare è buttarvi nel letto? La Portal è il compagno perfetto per giocare in tutta comodità da stesi
- passate le ore sul cesso? Beh lo sapete, Portal e via.
Ne vale la pena?
Secondo me vale la pena acquistare la Playstion Portal solo se:
- a buon prezzo, 219€ per i limiti che ha son soldi buttati
- avete un esigenza specifica come quelle descritte ed è l’unica soluzione possibile
In tutti gli altri casi, fuori casa fatevi una bella passeggiata e godetevi la vita che è bella anche al di fuori dalla Playstation.
Ve lo dice uno che ci gioca troppo e si è comprato la Portal per continuare a giocare pure sul cesso.